Is it too scary? Halloween fun for 11+ and KS2.
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If you were a Halloween pumpkin, what kind of story would you like to read?
Would you be a scary pumpkin? Or a scaredy-cat pumpkin?
This Halloween pumpkin is desperate to tell other people about the stories he reads but everyone is afraid of him. When he meets someone new he hopes he can tell them a story...and then they run away.
Write a scary story starring a Halloween pumpkin who loves reading stories.
Make your story dramatic, either for the pumpkin or the people he wants to entertain with his stories.
How will he make them stay still long enough to hear his stories?
Will he make new friends or remind people why Halloween is meant to be terrifying?
Don't forget to think about how to build suspense throughout your story. Adjectives are important but so is describing the thrilling events as this Halloween pumpkin struggles to find an audience for his stories.
For more creative writing and literacy practice, take a look at my books on Amazon.
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